We are looking for new PhD students to join the team (see openings) !
PhD Student
Email: gathika.ratnayaka@anu.edu.au
Research area: Graph Matching
PhD Student
Email: asela.hevapathige@anu.edu.au
Research area: Graph Representation Learning
PhD Student (with CSIRO)
Email: xincheng.xu@anu.edu.au
Research area: Privacy-Enhanced Analytics on Evolving Graphs
PhD Student
Email: buddhi.kothalawala@anu.edu.au
Research area: Combinatorial Optimization
PhD Student
Email: ruibiao.zhu@anu.edu.au
Research area: Physical Simulation using Graph Neural Networks
Massey University, New Zealand
Email: H.Koehler@massey.ac.nz
Research area: See webpage
Data61/CSIRO, Australia
Email: Thilina.Ranbaduge@data61.csiro.au
Research area: See webpage
Thesis topic: Knowledge Tracing Using Deep Learning Methods (Presentation slides) (Thesis)
Thesis topic: Geometric Learning on Graph Structured Data (Presentation slides) (Thesis)
Thesis topic: Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (Presentation slides) (Thesis)
PhD (webpage)
Thesis topic: Answering Shortest Path Distance Queries in Large Complex Networks (Presentation slides) (Thesis)
PhD (webpage)
Thesis topic: Entity Resolution with Active Learning (Presentation slides) (Thesis)
Thesis topic: Exploring Shortest Paths on Large-Scale Networks (Presentation slides) (Thesis)
PhD (webpage)
Thesis topic: Community Structure in Large-Scale Complex Networks (Presentation slides) (Thesis)